Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Monday: Your Day of Inspiration!

Dear Writer:

When I worked in the corporate world, I often asked my co-workers how they were doing. Their reply would be: “It’s Monday.”

“It’s Monday? Is that all you can say?" I thought to myself.

You of course, writer can say much more than that. Why? Because you have another day to put your thoughts on paper. Another day to breathe fresh air, observe the colors, the trees, and all the scenery that others cannot see or hear. Where am I going with this?

Everything you see, feel, hear, touch, and think, can be an inspiration for your next writing project. Wow! That’s a thought.

Anyway, my advice to you today is to:
1) Get yourself a journal and keep it with you.
2) Write down the things you see, hear, feel, touch, and any clever ideas that come to mind.
3) Look at Monday as your day of inspiration.
4) Start working on your next writing project and complete it.

When someone asks you how you are doing on a Monday, tell them you feel “Inspired”!


  1. This is so true, Resource Writer. When I get the "It's Monday" response from people, I tell them Monday is one-seventh of your entire life! Life, itself, inspires me! Great post!
