Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dear Writer:

I congratulate you on your abilities to take words from your heart and transfer them onto paper in order to speak to your readers. However, I have a question for you. How far do you want to go with your writing?

Do you want to write strictly for satisfaction or do you want to leave your 9-5 job and pursue your dreams by writing professionally?

If you are brave enough to choose the latter, then here’s some advice for you if you want to create income through writing.

Steps to Writing Professionally:
1) Know your niche/area of expertise.
2) Purchase and read the books,
The Well-Fed Writer
The Well-Fed Writer: Back for Seconds.
3) Find an area of need that can use your writing.
4) Research websites, magazines, and e-zines where you can market and publish your writing.
5) Write down your ideas.
6) Do your first article.
7) Get a website and/or blog to showcase your writing.
8) Purchase business cards to define what you do.
9) Tell people what you do and give them a business card.
10) Ask people if they have or know someone who has a need for your writing.

Yes, it is possible to make income from your passion of writing. However, you need to have a plan and you need to know what direction you want your writing to carry you.

Feel free to post your comments!

Yours truly,
The Resource Writer

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany, great steps to help writers. Thank you for sharing your insight.
