Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cherish The Gifts You Still Have

Last Sunday, I celebrated Mother's Day with my mother and 91 year old grandmother. This was a special day for me because just a few days ago I found out my mother was in the hospital. To say the least, this news devastated me, but what could I do being six hours away, but pray?

Yes, prayer does change things! The day after I arrived in town, my mother was being released from the hospital. This was one of my best Mother's Day not only because I'm a mother, but because I still have my mother with me. While we tend to view certain issues differently, my mother is a gift to me and I'm overjoyed that she's walking, talking, and still alive to share her testimony with others.

While we should cherish loved ones, we should also cherish our gift of writing. It's an ability that not all people possess, but it can change the way people think and ultimately live their lives.

How much do you cherish your ability to write?

If you really love writing, then you will spend time with it and you will sharpen your tools.

Take time today to write something meaningful and thank God for your ability to communicate valuable information to your readers.

Once you see the value in your writing, others will take note and cherish your gift as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your comment. Some days it gets really hard and frusterating, but I push on because I have too much riding on all of this. I really appreciate your words and thank you so much for taking the time to say them. I'm reading your blog and it is one that I am going to book mark. Have a beautiful day.
