Friday, May 29, 2009

Sticky Situation: Lebron James Must Win Every Game!

I was very cynical lastnight as I watched the game between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Orlando Magic. As always, the Cavaliers start off strong in the first and second quarters, only to fall short in the last two. It happened again. They were ahead and then lost momentum in the third quarter.

In my mind I gave up, but...the Cavs pulled it off. They won the game 112-102! I was impressed, but now they're in a sticky situation. In order to win the Eastern conference championship and move on to the NBA championship, they must win the last two games. It's pressure to say the least.

You writer might find yourself in a sticky situation: You may think you lack the time, the skills, and the influence to write. But just like the Cavs, you've got to take it one step at a time. How?

1) Recognize your potential through your experiences and passion to write.
2) Write at least a paragraph a day.
3) Refuse to stop.
4) Don't listen to haters and naysayers.
5) Like Lebron, get the eye of the tiger!

While the Cavalier's victory to the Eastern Championship is not certain, you can make your writing destiny a surety if you possess the passion and the confidence to see your writing go to publication. Just do it!


  1. I agree completely. No matter what ups and downs we writers will experience, we have to keep plugging away.

  2. Hi, Tiffany!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. :)

    As far as my design, the background template is Blogger's Minima; but then I simply visited The Cutest Blog on the Block and got the HTML code for one of their designs and inserted that. The header, I made myself, using one of my photos and inserting text on top of that using Picasa. The sidebar stuff, I just arranged and rearranged until I liked the way it looked. :)

    I don't really know that much about computers, especially HTML; but Blogger makes it fairly simple to move things around--which is perfect for novices like me. :)

    I hope this is helpful. If you have any other questions, just let me know!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  3. Tiffany,
    Every time I come here I am always so encouraged. Thanks so much!
