Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why Haven't You Blogged in Awhile?

When I first started blogging, I didn't take it seriously. I wrote one or two times a week because I couldn't understand the hype about "Blogging." Why? For one, I didn't think I could reach anyone by blogging and I didn't understand how interconnected I am with other bloggers.

However, I became more curious about blogging, so I did some research. I learned the following facts:

There are more bloggers out there than we think.
You can network through blogging in a very effective way.
You can pick us great tips on any subject just through blogging alone.
You can tailor your blog to fit your personality. (I'm still learning about that.)

Learning this information has motivated me so much that I've started writing more consistently and I've even started getting to know other bloggers by making comments on their blogs. Hey, you learn something new everyday.

Now I can truly call myself a blogger.

Once you read this, please comment on the beginnings of your blogging journey. And by the way, if you haven't already, go ahead and post your blog. You'll be glad you did!

The Resource Writer


  1. Tiffany,
    this is a link to a post i wrote recently.
    why i blog Christy

  2. Nice blog. I struggle with blogging because I feel that I don't have anything to say. I'm more comfortable writing short "status" messages on facebook. Now I just use the blog for stuff that's too long for facebook.

  3. Thank you for commenting on my blog! It is so exciting, especially since your comment was my first. I enjoy writing. I used to be devoted, but got "busy", and forgot to keep up with it. I'm just starting out again. Thanks for the encouragement!
