Monday, June 22, 2009


Are you experiencing a bad day? Maybe you lost your wallet or had an argument with a loved one. Maybe your children won't stop crying and you're ready to run away from the house as fast as you can.

Take a deep breath and realize that we all experience bad days. However, we can't allow them to hinder us from completing the tasks we've planned for the day--especially writing.

At times when we're thrown off from our plans for the day, writing seems to be the first thing we neglect. We think it's not as important as paying a bill or making an important phone call, for instance. We reason that we have writer's block because we can't think clearly, but you can overcome your writer's block by writing down at least five things you are thankful for. It may take a few moments to do, but you can accomplish two things by doing this:
Get some writing done.
Gain a proper perspective of your situation by seeing the good in your life despite your bad day.

Go ahead, writer, take some time to show gratitude through your writing. I'll give you the first one: "I'm grateful for being able to pick up a pen to write!"

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