Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't Give Up!

This week I received two encouraging e-mails in reference to the weekly newsletter I send out to new writers. These e-mails meant a lot because I've been doing this newsletter since August and I've wondered if anyone has even read it.

A lot of times it's easy to become discouraged and give up on your writing because you can't see the immediate results. However, if you know you're writing to help solve people's problems and you know there is a need for what you write, keep on writing!

It will pay off in the end.

In fact, let me help you get started. Here's a writing prompt:

"The people who need to hear my writing are __________________________ because they need help in the area of ________________________."

This will help you to establish your target group and write what they want and/or need to read. If you are unsure of their needs, please do some research to find out. You can do it!

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