Friday, March 27, 2009

What Will You Do This Weekend?

Dear Writer:

It’s Friday and whether you're a stay-at-home mom, or a member of the corporate workforce, this is a day of celebration! Why? Because you get to take a break from the monotony of your five-day work week.

You have 48 hours to do something different than you’ve done for the past five days. As a writer, my question to you is: how are you going to spend those 48 hours? Will you write or will you think about writing and all the other things you need to do?

When you think about it, within one year you have almost 2,500 hours, (52 weekends), to work on your writing project. While you may not create a book within this time frame, you can make a lot of progress with your writing.

So what’s holding you back? Will this really be a great weekend for you as you scribe or type the words embedded in your heart and onto paper? Or will you just think about writing this weekend?

The choice is yours.
Have a great weekend!

Yours truly,
The Resource Writer

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